Telehealth Statement

Cork Occupational Therapy Services Ltd. is a business registered under the Companies Act (Reg number SR379980). Its operating address is Clady, Curraheen Road, Bishopstown, Cork.  

The purpose of this statement is to outline the role of telehealth in Cork Occupational Therapy Services Ltd. and its potential limitations.

Telehealth involves real-time consultations with clients and their families/carers in relation to the services being provided by Cork Occupational Therapy Services Ltd.

Consent to Telehealth Consultation

By agreeing to a Telehealth consultation I acknowledge that:

  1. I may withdraw consent at any time without affecting my right to future services.
  2. The laws that protect the confidentiality of my information also apply to Telehealth.
  3. I understand that a Telehealth consultation is not as satisfactory as a face to face consultation and as such carries limitations.
  4. I understand that electronic transmission of data, video images and audio is a new technology and while all efforts are made to ensure security this could be compromised by a failure in security systems or illegal or improper tampering.
  5. I understand that my consent will be recorded in the clinical notes.